Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hanging Treasure - AP Project 4

I said in one of my other posts how I love making photo transfers then painting over certain details in them to make them stand out more. I still love doing so, but there are some days where the photo transfers just don't work out well and they start falling apart. This particular photo worked out very well in the center and I was able to make the image look clean and clear where I most needed it, but the surrounding areas of the picture started coming off. It was hard to clear up the image in certain areas so a lot of the details in the white window frame were difficult to make out.  

I painted over the door in the background as well as part of the wind chime so they would stand out, and I love how they turned out but it still seemed like something was missing. I added detailing and shadows to part of the window frame to make the piece seem more complete and had a bit of trouble making sure the colors didn't look muddy, but once I cleaned it up I think it complimented the piece very well. I would like to maybe add even more detail to the top of the frame at some point in the future, but I still love how this piece looks and I found a nice wooden frame for it as well. 

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